Which Canned Abalone is the Best? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to selecting the best canned abalone in Singapore, there are various considerations to make. Country of origin, drained weight, and brand are all important factors to consider. Domestic brands such as Skylight, New Moon, Fortune, and Chuen Jia Fu Abal

Which Canned Abalone is the Best? A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to selecting the best-canned abalone in Singapore, there are various considerations to make, especially in a mature market like Teck Sang on 11 Hong Kong street, where customers are known for their sophistication. Country of origin drained weight, and brand is all important factors to consider. Domestic brands such as Skylight, New Moon, Fortune, and Chuen Jia Fu Abalones have been around since the 1960s and offer some of the best-canned abalones in Singapore. Premium Brine Abalone and Braised Premium Brine Abalone are classic flavours that offer both quality and quantity. Mexican wild abalone is one of the most unique varieties of abalone on the planet. Calmex is considered as the oldest and best-established canned abalone Big Brands in Singapore. Fortune Baby abalone is the obvious choice for anyone who wants to have a big feast, especially during the Chinese New Year. Baby abalone (Farm) can be easily distributed individually instead of regular-sized abalone which will require you to cut them before serving. For a cheaper alternative, get small abalone from big brands such as Skylight, New Moon, On Hing, Chuen Jia Fu and Golden Chef. Premium New Zealand and Australia abalones are one of the most sought-after brands on the market due to their wonderful taste and affordable price. Wild caught Abalones are usually packed directly in 10 kg or 12 kg sealed styrofoam boxes prepared for export. In addition, these highly nutritious wild abalones are rich in protein, iron and vitamin A, which provides more support to your immune system. Frozen Abalone in Shell (FOS) - Live abalone is cleaned delicately, and after that, it quickly freezes independently in its shell or is removed from the cover, cleaned and then quickly frozen. With so many types and brands of canned abalone in Singapore, it can be a challenge to select the perfect one for your CNY reunion dinner. We found our visit to Teck Sang on 11 Hong Kong street very useful as they carry 40+ different variations of canned and frozen abalones. Their staffs were helpful and well worth the visit as all are under one roof.